7. Database Generator

RISCOF internally maintains a database of all the assembly tests available in the suite. This database is maintained as a YAML file and serves the purpose of selecting relevant tests for a given DUT model.

The database can be generated for a given suite/folder using the dbgen (a.k.a database generator) utility available for developers in the RISCOF git repository.


This utility is meant for developers contributing to the assembly suite and is not intended to be used as a stand-alone utility.

The dbgen utility recursively walks the specified directory/suite/modified to find all .S files in them and constructs a dictionary of sorts, for the framework. The tests in the directory are identified by their relative path from the repository home. Each test in the database is defined as follows:

  • file path: the absolute path of the test on the said system

    • commit_id: Contains the recent commit id of the commit in which the test was modified.

    • isa: Contains the isa required for the compilation of the test. This field is extracted from the RVTEST_ISA macro.

    • parts: Contains the individual parts present in the test and the conditions and macros required by each of them. The parts are identified by unique names as specified in the test. A test must contain at-least one part for it to be included in the database.

      • part name: This node is extracted from the RVTEST_CASE_START macro in the test.

        • check: A list of the check statements for the part as specified in the test. These translate to the conditions which need to be satisfied for this part to be included.

        • define: A list of define statements for the part as specified in the test. These translate to the macros required by this part to run.


    isa: RV32IC
    commit_id: a3ce9d44d0480b3a13e47a079291518e9633d2fa
                - check ISA:=regex(.*I.*)
                - check ISA:=regex(.*C.*)
                - def TEST_PART_1=True
            coverage: RV32IC

7.1. Usage

cd riscof
python -m riscof.main gendb


Currently the database is stored in ‘framework/database.yaml’.

7.2. Reasons of Failure

Possible scenarios where database is not generated

  • There does not exist at-least one part in the test.

  • Any part which has started does not end before another part starts or the code ends i.e. RVTEST_CASE_START exists for that part but RVTEST_CASE_END doesn’t.

  • The part names given in a RVTEST_CASE_START-RVTEST_CASE_END pair doesn’t match.

  • RVTEST_ISA macro isn’t present in the test.

7.3. Notes

  1. The database is always alphabetically ordered

  2. The database checks for macro sanity - i.e. certain macros exists and in the correct order.

  3. Each time a new test is added the database utility has to be run manually and the database.yaml has to be up-streamed manually to the repository.