The following guide provides a walkthrough on how to run the tests available at the riscv-arch-tests repository.

The following assumes you have installed riscof as a cli on your system. If not, then please refer to the Install RISCOF section for the same.

7.1. Setup all the DUT and Ref Plugins

  1. You will first need to install the SAIL C-emulator on your system. You can refer to the Install Plugin Models section for steps on installing the SAIL C-emulator.

  2. You will then need to download/clone the sail_cSim riscof plugin. You can do this with the following command:

    $ cd ~/
    $ git clone https://github.com/rems-project/sail-riscv.git

    You will need the path of the riscof-plugins directory from the above repo for the next steps.

  3. You will also need to create a riscof-plugin for you own DUT. If you haven’t already done so, please refer to the Building your Model Plugin section for details on building one.

7.2. Create a config.ini file

  1. You will need to create a config.ini file with the following contents.


## Example configuration for spike plugin.



For details on the various configuration options supported by the sail_cSim plugin refer here.

7.3. Cloning the riscv-arch-test repo

  1. You will also need to download/clone the riscv-arch-test repository:

$ riscof --verbose info arch-tests --clone

7.4. Running Tests with RISCOF

  1. Run the tests using the following:

    $ riscof --verbose info run --config ~/config.ini --suite ./riscv-arch-test/riscv-test-suite/rv32i_m --env ./riscv-arch-test/riscv-test-suite/env

    The above step will first create a database of the all tests from the rv32i_m directory (recursively). This database can be found in the riscof_work/database.yaml file that is generated. From this database, RISCOF selects the applicable test depending on the ISA yaml provided and then runs them first on the DUT and then on the REFERENCE plugins. The end, it compares the signatures and provides an html report of the result.


    Make sure to change the paths in the above command or even the test-suite directory to rv64i_m as the case maybe.