3. Quickstart

This section is meant to serve as a quick-guide to setup RISCOF and perform a sample validation check between spike (DUT in this case) and SAIL-RISCV (Reference model in this case). This guide will help you setup all the required tooling for running riscof on your system.

If you would like to know how to build a plugin for your DUT please refer to the Building your Model Plugin section for more details.

If you have your DUT plugin ready and would like to run the riscv-arch-tests on it using RISCOF, please refer to section Running RISCV-ARCH-TESTS

3.1. Install Python

Ubuntu 17.10 and 18.04 by default come with python-3.6.9 which is sufficient for using riscv-config.

If you are are Ubuntu 16.10 and 17.04 you can directly install python3.6 using the Universe repository

$ sudo apt-get install python3.6
$ pip3 install --upgrade pip

If you are using Ubuntu 14.04 or 16.04 you need to get python3.6 from a Personal Package Archive (PPA)

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install python3.6 -y
$ pip3 install --upgrade pip

You should now have 2 binaries: python3 and pip3 available in your $PATH. You can check the versions as below

$ python3 --version
Python 3.6.9
$ pip3 --version
pip 20.1 from <user-path>.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pip (python 3.6)

3.1.1. Using Virtualenv for Python

Many a times users face issues in installing and managing multiple python versions. This is actually a major issue as many gui elements in Linux use the default python versions, in which case installing python3.6 using the above methods might break other software. We thus advise the use of pyenv to install python3.6.

For Ubuntu and CentosOS, please follow the steps here: https://github.com/pyenv/pyenv#basic-github-checkout

RHEL users can find more detailed guides for virtual-env here: https://developers.redhat.com/blog/2018/08/13/install-python3-rhel/#create-env

Once you have pyenv installed do the following to install python 3.6.0:

$ pyenv install 3.6.0
$ pip3 install --upgrade pip
$ pyenv shell 3.6.0

You can check the version in the same shell:

$ python --version
Python 3.6.0
$ pip --version
pip 20.1 from <user-path>.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pip (python 3.6)

3.2. Install RISCOF

To install RISCOF, run this command in your terminal:

$ pip3 install git+https://github.com/riscv/riscof.git

This is the preferred method to install RISCOF, as it will always install the most recent stable release.

If you don’t have pip installed, this Python installation guide can guide you through the process.

3.3. Test RISCOF

Once you have installed RISCOF you can execute riscof --help to print the help routine:

usage: riscof [-h] [--version] [--verbose]
              {arch-tests,coverage,gendb,setup,validateyaml,run,testlist} ...

RISCOF is a framework used to run the Architectural Tests on a DUT and check
compatibility with the RISC-V ISA

optional arguments:
  --verbose             [Default=info]
  --version, -v         Print version of RISCOF being used
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

  The action to be performed by riscof.

                        List of actions supported by riscof.
    arch-tests          Setup and maintenance for Architectural Test Suite.
    coverage            Generate Coverage Report for the given YAML spec.
    gendb               Generate Database for the standard suite.
    setup               Initiate setup for riscof.
    validateyaml        Validate the Input YAMLs using riscv-config.
    run                 Run the tests on DUT and reference and compare
    testlist            Generate the test list for the given DUT and suite.
Action 'arch-tests'

    usage: riscof arch-tests [-h] [--dir PATH] [--get-version] [--clone]
                             [--update] [--show-version]

    optional arguments:
      --clone         Clone and setup the architectural tests from the remote
      --dir PATH      The Path to the directory to initialise/containing the
                      tests.[Default = ./riscv-arch-test]
      --get-version   Version of the repository to get. To be used with the
                      update/clone argument. [Default = latest]
      --show-version  Print the version of the architectural tests being used.
      --update        Update the architectural tests to the latest release.
      -h, --help      show this help message and exit

Action 'coverage'

    usage: riscof coverage [-h] [--config PATH] --cgf PATH --suite PATH --env PATH
                           [--work-dir PATH] [--no-browser]

    optional arguments:
      --cgf PATH       The Path to the cgf file(s). Multiple allowed
      --config PATH    The Path to the config file. [Default=./config.ini]
      --env PATH       The Path to the custom env directory.
      --no-browser     Do not open the browser for showing the test report.
      --suite PATH     The Path to the custom suite directory.
      --work-dir PATH  The Path to the work-dir.
      -h, --help       show this help message and exit

Action 'gendb'

    usage: riscof gendb [-h] --suite PATH --env PATH [--work-dir PATH]

    optional arguments:
      --env PATH       The Path to the custom env directory.
      --suite PATH     The Path to the custom suite directory.
      --work-dir PATH  The Path to the work-dir.
      -h, --help       show this help message and exit

Action 'setup'

    usage: riscof setup [-h] [--dutname NAME] [--refname NAME] [--work-dir PATH]

    optional arguments:
      --dutname NAME   Name of DUT plugin. [Default=spike]
      --refname NAME   Name of Reference plugin. [Default=sail_cSim]
      --work-dir PATH  The Path to the work-dir.
      -h, --help       show this help message and exit

Action 'validateyaml'

    usage: riscof validateyaml [-h] [--config PATH] [--work-dir PATH]

    optional arguments:
      --config PATH    The Path to the config file. [Default=./config.ini]
      --work-dir PATH  The Path to the work-dir.
      -h, --help       show this help message and exit

Action 'run'

    usage: riscof run [-h] [--config PATH] --suite PATH --env PATH [--no-browser] [--work-dir PATH] [--dbfile PATH | --testfile PATH]
                      [--no-ref-run] [--no-dut-run]

    optional arguments:
      --config PATH    The Path to the config file. [Default=./config.ini]
      --dbfile PATH    The Path to the database file.
      --env PATH       The Path to the custom env directory.
      --no-browser     Do not open the browser for showing the test report.
      --no-dut-run     Do not run tests on DUT
      --no-ref-run     Do not run tests on Reference
      --suite PATH     The Path to the custom suite directory.
      --testfile PATH  The Path to the testlist file.
      --work-dir PATH  The Path to the work-dir.
      -h, --help       show this help message and exit

Action 'testlist'

    usage: riscof testlist [-h] [--work-dir PATH] [--config PATH] --suite PATH
                           --env PATH

    optional arguments:
      --config PATH    The Path to the config file. [Default=./config.ini]
      --env PATH       The Path to the custom env directory.
      --suite PATH     The Path to the custom suite directory.
      --work-dir PATH  The Path to the work-dir.
      -h, --help       show this help message and exit

3.4. Install RISCV-GNU Toolchain

This guide will use the 32-bit riscv-gnu tool chain to compile the architectural suite. If you already have the 32-bit gnu-toolchain available, you can skip to the next section.


The git clone and installation will take significant time. Please be patient. If you face issues with any of the following steps please refer to https://github.com/riscv/riscv-gnu-toolchain for further help in installation.

$ sudo apt-get install autoconf automake autotools-dev curl python3 libmpc-dev \
      libmpfr-dev libgmp-dev gawk build-essential bison flex texinfo gperf libtool \
      patchutils bc zlib1g-dev libexpat-dev
$ git clone --recursive https://github.com/riscv/riscv-gnu-toolchain
$ git clone --recursive https://github.com/riscv/riscv-opcodes.git
$ cd riscv-gnu-toolchain
$ ./configure --prefix=/path/to/install --with-arch=rv32gc --with-abi=ilp32d # for 32-bit toolchain
$ [sudo] make # sudo is required depending on the path chosen in the previous setup

Make sure to add the path /path/to/install to your $PATH in the .bashrc/cshrc With this you should now have all the following available as command line arguments:

riscv32-unknown-elf-addr2line      riscv32-unknown-elf-elfedit
riscv32-unknown-elf-ar             riscv32-unknown-elf-g++
riscv32-unknown-elf-as             riscv32-unknown-elf-gcc
riscv32-unknown-elf-c++            riscv32-unknown-elf-gcc-8.3.0
riscv32-unknown-elf-c++filt        riscv32-unknown-elf-gcc-ar
riscv32-unknown-elf-cpp            riscv32-unknown-elf-gcc-nm
riscv32-unknown-elf-gcc-ranlib     riscv32-unknown-elf-gprof
riscv32-unknown-elf-gcov           riscv32-unknown-elf-ld
riscv32-unknown-elf-gcov-dump      riscv32-unknown-elf-ld.bfd
riscv32-unknown-elf-gcov-tool      riscv32-unknown-elf-nm
riscv32-unknown-elf-gdb            riscv32-unknown-elf-objcopy
riscv32-unknown-elf-gdb-add-index  riscv32-unknown-elf-objdump
riscv32-unknown-elf-ranlib         riscv32-unknown-elf-readelf
riscv32-unknown-elf-run            riscv32-unknown-elf-size
riscv32-unknown-elf-strings        riscv32-unknown-elf-strip

3.5. Install Plugin Models

This section will walk your throguh installing 2 important RISC-V reference models: Spike and SAIL. These are often used as reference models in RISCOF.

$ git clone https://github.com/riscv/riscv-isa-sim.git
$ cd riscv-isa-sim
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ ../configure --prefix=/path/to/install
$ make
$ [sudo] make install #sudo is required depending on the path chosen in the previous setup

Make sure to add the path /path/to/install to your $PATH in the .bashrc/cshrc Once installed, executing spike on the terminal should print the following:

usage: spike [host options] <target program> [target options]
Host Options:
  -p<n>                 Simulate <n> processors [default 1]
  -m<n>                 Provide <n> MiB of target memory [default 2048]
  -m<a:m,b:n,...>       Provide memory regions of size m and n bytes
                          at base addresses a and b (with 4 KiB alignment)
  -d                    Interactive debug mode
  -g                    Track histogram of PCs
  -l                    Generate a log of execution
  -h                    Print this help message
  -H                    Start halted, allowing a debugger to connect
  --isa=<name>          RISC-V ISA string [default RV64IMAFDC]
  --pc=<address>        Override ELF entry point
  --hartids=<a,b,...>   Explicitly specify hartids, default is 0,1,...
  --ic=<S>:<W>:<B>      Instantiate a cache model with S sets,
  --dc=<S>:<W>:<B>        W ways, and B-byte blocks (with S and
  --l2=<S>:<W>:<B>        B both powers of 2).
  --extension=<name>    Specify RoCC Extension
  --extlib=<name>       Shared library to load
  --rbb-port=<port>     Listen on <port> for remote bitbang connection
  --dump-dts            Print device tree string and exit
  --disable-dtb         Don't write the device tree blob into memory
  --progsize=<words>    Progsize for the debug module [default 2]
  --debug-sba=<bits>    Debug bus master supports up to <bits> wide accesses [default 0]
  --debug-auth          Debug module requires debugger to authenticate

3.6. Create Neccesary Env Files

In order to run tests via RISCOF you will need to provide the following items :

  • config.ini: This file is a basic configuration file following the ini syntax. This file will capture information like: name of the dut/reference plugins, path to the plugins, path to the riscv-config based yamls, etc. For more information on the contents and syntax please refer to the Config.ini Syntax section

  • dut-plugin directory: RISCOF requires that the DUT model for testing is presented in the form of a python plugin. The python plugin is nothing more than a python file which includes certain standard and defined functions to carry out the activities of test-compilation, execution and signature extraction. This python file name needs to be prefixed with riscof_ and must be present in the dut-plugin directory. One can refer to the Plugin Function Definitions section for more details on how to write this python file.

    The directory will also need to contain the riscv-config based isa and platform yamls which provide a definition of the DUT. These yamls will be used to filter tests that need to be run on the DUT.

    Finally, an env directory will also need to be present in the dut-plugin directory, which contains the environment files like the model_test.h that is required to compile and run the tests on the DUT. Refer to the TestFormat spec for definition of macros that can be used in the model_test.h file. The env directory may also include other files like the linker script, post-processing scripts that the user may want.

  • reference-plugin directory: Similar to the DUT plugin, RISCOF also expects a reference model plugin. The structure of the directory and files is the same as that of the DUT. However, the isa and platform yamls are not required since RISCOF will always pick the yamls from the DUT plugin for all purposes.

For sample templates of pre-built plugins please refer to List of Reference RISCOF Plugins.

To make things simpler, RISCOF generates standard pre-built templates for DUTs and Reference Models for the user via the setup command as shown below:

$ riscof setup --dutname=spike

The above command will generate the following files and directories in the current directory:

├──config.ini                   # configuration file for riscof
├──spike/                       # DUT plugin templates
   ├── env
   │   ├── link.ld              # DUT linker script
   │   └── model_test.h         # DUT specific header file
   ├── riscof_spike.py          # DUT python plugin
   ├── spike_isa.yaml           # DUT ISA yaml based on riscv-config
   └── spike_platform.yaml      # DUT Platform yaml based on riscv-config
├──sail_cSim/                   # reference plugin templates
   ├── env
   │   ├── link.ld              # Reference linker script
   │   └── model_test.h         # Reference model specific header file
   ├── __init__.py
   └── riscof_sail_cSim.py      # Reference model python plugin.

The generate template config.ini will look something like this by default:


## Example configuration for spike plugin.


If the SAIL binaries (i.e. riscv_sim_RV32) are not in your $PATH you may want to add the following to the last line of the above config:


The folder spike contains various templates of files that would be required for testing of any generic DUT. Components of this folder will need to be modified by the user as per the DUT spec. By default the model_test.h files and the link.ld file will work out of the box for spike and sail models.

Since our DUT model in this guide is spike, you will only have to change the execute command at line 100 of spike/riscof_spike.py to the following:

execute += self.dut_exe + ' --log-commits --log dump --isa={0} +signature={1} +signature-granularity=4 {2};'.format(self.isa, sig_file, elf)


Custom DUTs can go through the various #TODO comments to figure out what changes need to be made in the respective python file.

The configuration of spike we will be using is available in the spike/spike_isa.yaml. Modifying this will change the tests applicable for the DUT. For now let’s leave it as is. For more information on creating and modifying your plugins can be found in Building your Model Plugin

The sail_cSim directory holds the plugin files for the reference SAIL model. Changes to any of the files in this directory are typically not required (unless you know what you are doing).

We are now ready to run the architectural tests on the DUT via RISCOF.


By default RISCOF resorts to using RISC-V’s SAIL C Emulator as a reference model. To generate templates for a reference model add the argument ‘–refname myref’ to the setup command above. This will generate a myref directory containing template files for defining a reference model plugin. Lookout for the #TODO in the python file for places where changes will be required.


For details on the various configuration options supported by the sail_cSim plugin refer here.

3.7. Running RISCOF

The RISCOF run is divided into three steps as shown in the overview Figure. The first step is to check if the input yaml files are configured correctly. This step internally calls the riscv-config on both the isa and platform yaml files indicated in the config.ini file.

riscof validateyaml --config=config.ini

This should print the following:

[INFO]    : Reading configuration from: /scratch/git-repo/incoresemi/riscof/config.ini
[INFO]    : Preparing Models
[INFO]    : Input-ISA file
[INFO]    : Loading input file: /scratch/git-repo/incoresemi/riscof/spike/sample_isa.yaml
[INFO]    : Load Schema /home/neel/.pyenv/versions/3.7.0/envs/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/riscv_config/schemas/schema_isa.yaml
[INFO]    : Initiating Validation
[INFO]    : No Syntax errors in Input ISA Yaml. :)
[INFO]    : Dumping out Normalized Checked YAML: /scratch/git-repo/incoresemi/riscof/riscof_work/sample_isa_checked.yaml
[INFO]    : Input-Platform file
[INFO]    : Loading input file: /scratch/git-repo/incoresemi/riscof/spike/sample_platform.yaml
[INFO]    : Load Schema /home/neel/.pyenv/versions/3.7.0/envs/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/riscv_config/schemas/schema_platform.yaml
[INFO]    : Initiating Validation
[INFO]    : No Syntax errors in Input Platform Yaml. :)
[INFO]    : Dumping out Normalized Checked YAML: /scratch/git-repo/incoresemi/riscof/riscof_work/sample_platform_checked.yaml

The next step is to generate the list of tests that need to be run on the models.

riscof testlist --config=config.ini

This step calls the validate-step and thus the output adds one more line to the above dump:

[INFO]    : Selecting Tests.

The tests are listed in the file: riscof_work/test_list.yaml which should probably look something similar to the following:

  work_dir: /scratch/git-repo/incoresemi/riscof/riscof_work/rv32i_m/C/C-ADD.S
  macros: [TEST_CASE_1=True, XLEN=32]
  isa: RV32IC
  test_path: /home/neel/.pyenv/versions/3.7.0/envs/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/riscof/suite/rv32i_m/C/C-ADD.S
  work_dir: /scratch/git-repo/incoresemi/riscof/riscof_work/rv32i_m/C/C-ADDI.S
  macros: [TEST_CASE_1=True, XLEN=32]
  isa: RV32IC
  test_path: /home/neel/.pyenv/versions/3.7.0/envs/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/riscof/suite/rv32i_m/C/C-ADDI.S
  work_dir: /scratch/git-repo/incoresemi/riscof/riscof_work/rv32i_m/C/C-ADDI16SP.S
  macros: [TEST_CASE_1=True, XLEN=32]
  isa: RV32IC

The last step is to run the tests on the each of the models and compare the signature values to guarantee correctness.

riscof run --config=config.ini

This should compile and execute the tests on each of the models and end up with the following log. The run will also open an HTML page with all the information.

[INFO]    : Initiating signature checking.
[INFO]    : Following 55 tests have been run :

[INFO]    : TEST NAME                                          : COMMIT ID                                : STATUS
[INFO]    : suite/rv32i_m/I/I-ADD-01.S                         : d50921ef64708678832770fd842355aa2b0684af : Passed
[INFO]    : suite/rv32i_m/I/I-ADDI-01.S                        : d50921ef64708678832770fd842355aa2b0684af : Passed
[INFO]    : suite/rv32i_m/I/I-AND-01.S                         : d50921ef64708678832770fd842355aa2b0684af : Passed
[INFO]    : suite/rv32i_m/I/I-ANDI-01.S                        : d50921ef64708678832770fd842355aa2b0684af : Passed
[INFO]    : suite/rv32i_m/I/I-AUIPC-01.S                       : d50921ef64708678832770fd842355aa2b0684af : Passed
[INFO]    : suite/rv32i_m/I/I-BEQ-01.S                         : d50921ef64708678832770fd842355aa2b0684af : Passed
[INFO]    : suite/rv32i_m/I/I-BGE-01.S                         : d50921ef64708678832770fd842355aa2b0684af : Passed
[INFO]    : suite/rv32i_m/I/I-BGEU-01.S                        : d50921ef64708678832770fd842355aa2b0684af : Passed
[INFO]    : suite/rv32i_m/I/I-BLT-01.S                         : d50921ef64708678832770fd842355aa2b0684af : Passed
[INFO]    : suite/rv32i_m/I/I-BLTU-01.S                        : d50921ef64708678832770fd842355aa2b0684af : Passed
[INFO]    : suite/rv32i_m/I/I-BNE-01.S                         : d50921ef64708678832770fd842355aa2b0684af : Passed
[INFO]    : suite/rv32i_m/I/I-CSRRC-01.S                       : d50921ef64708678832770fd842355aa2b0684af : Passed
[INFO]    : suite/rv32i_m/I/I-CSRRCI-01.S                      : d50921ef64708678832770fd842355aa2b0684af : Passed
[INFO]    : suite/rv32i_m/I/I-CSRRS-01.S                       : d50921ef64708678832770fd842355aa2b0684af : Passed
[INFO]    : suite/rv32i_m/I/I-CSRRSI-01.S                      : d50921ef64708678832770fd842355aa2b0684af : Passed
[INFO]    : suite/rv32i_m/I/I-CSRRW-01.S                       : d50921ef64708678832770fd842355aa2b0684af : Passed
[INFO]    : suite/rv32i_m/I/I-CSRRWI-01.S                      : d50921ef64708678832770fd842355aa2b0684af : Passed
[INFO]    : suite/rv32i_m/I/I-DELAY_SLOTS-01.S                 : d50921ef64708678832770fd842355aa2b0684af : Passed
[INFO]    : suite/rv32i_m/I/I-EBREAK-01.S                      : 3a4a3a576666d5153ae6a844e74a45f953245e57 : Passed
[INFO]    : suite/rv32i_m/I/I-ECALL-01.S                       : d50921ef64708678832770fd842355aa2b0684af : Passed
[INFO]    : suite/rv32i_m/I/I-ENDIANESS-01.S                   : d50921ef64708678832770fd842355aa2b0684af : Passed
[INFO]    : suite/rv32i_m/I/I-FENCE.I-01.S                     : d50921ef64708678832770fd842355aa2b0684af : Passed
[INFO]    : suite/rv32i_m/I/I-IO.S                             : d50921ef64708678832770fd842355aa2b0684af : Passed
[INFO]    : suite/rv32i_m/I/I-JAL-01.S                         : d50921ef64708678832770fd842355aa2b0684af : Passed
[INFO]    : suite/rv32i_m/I/I-JALR-01.S                        : d50921ef64708678832770fd842355aa2b0684af : Passed
[INFO]    : suite/rv32i_m/I/I-LB-01.S                          : d50921ef64708678832770fd842355aa2b0684af : Passed
[INFO]    : suite/rv32i_m/I/I-LBU-01.S                         : d50921ef64708678832770fd842355aa2b0684af : Passed
[INFO]    : suite/rv32i_m/I/I-LH-01.S                          : d50921ef64708678832770fd842355aa2b0684af : Passed
[INFO]    : suite/rv32i_m/I/I-LHU-01.S                         : d50921ef64708678832770fd842355aa2b0684af : Passed
[INFO]    : suite/rv32i_m/I/I-LUI-01.S                         : d50921ef64708678832770fd842355aa2b0684af : Passed
[INFO]    : suite/rv32i_m/I/I-LW-01.S                          : d50921ef64708678832770fd842355aa2b0684af : Passed
[INFO]    : suite/rv32i_m/I/I-MISALIGN_JMP-01.S                : d50921ef64708678832770fd842355aa2b0684af : Passed
[INFO]    : suite/rv32i_m/I/I-MISALIGN_LDST-02.S               : d50921ef64708678832770fd842355aa2b0684af : Passed
[INFO]    : suite/rv32i_m/I/I-NOP-01.S                         : d50921ef64708678832770fd842355aa2b0684af : Passed
[INFO]    : suite/rv32i_m/I/I-OR-01.S                          : d50921ef64708678832770fd842355aa2b0684af : Passed
[INFO]    : suite/rv32i_m/I/I-ORI-01.S                         : d50921ef64708678832770fd842355aa2b0684af : Passed
[INFO]    : suite/rv32i_m/I/I-RF_size-01.S                     : d50921ef64708678832770fd842355aa2b0684af : Passed
[INFO]    : suite/rv32i_m/I/I-RF_width-01.S                    : d50921ef64708678832770fd842355aa2b0684af : Passed
[INFO]    : suite/rv32i_m/I/I-RF_x0-01.S                       : d50921ef64708678832770fd842355aa2b0684af : Passed
[INFO]    : suite/rv32i_m/I/I-SB-01.S                          : d50921ef64708678832770fd842355aa2b0684af : Passed
[INFO]    : suite/rv32i_m/I/I-SH-01.S                          : d50921ef64708678832770fd842355aa2b0684af : Passed
[INFO]    : suite/rv32i_m/I/I-SLL-01.S                         : d50921ef64708678832770fd842355aa2b0684af : Passed
[INFO]    : suite/rv32i_m/I/I-SLLI-01.S                        : d50921ef64708678832770fd842355aa2b0684af : Passed
[INFO]    : suite/rv32i_m/I/I-SLT-01.S                         : d50921ef64708678832770fd842355aa2b0684af : Passed
[INFO]    : suite/rv32i_m/I/I-SLTI-01.S                        : d50921ef64708678832770fd842355aa2b0684af : Passed
[INFO]    : suite/rv32i_m/I/I-SLTIU-01.S                       : d50921ef64708678832770fd842355aa2b0684af : Passed
[INFO]    : suite/rv32i_m/I/I-SLTU-01.S                        : d50921ef64708678832770fd842355aa2b0684af : Passed
[INFO]    : suite/rv32i_m/I/I-SRA-01.S                         : d50921ef64708678832770fd842355aa2b0684af : Passed
[INFO]    : suite/rv32i_m/I/I-SRAI-01.S                        : d50921ef64708678832770fd842355aa2b0684af : Passed
[INFO]    : suite/rv32i_m/I/I-SRL-01.S                         : d50921ef64708678832770fd842355aa2b0684af : Passed
[INFO]    : suite/rv32i_m/I/I-SRLI-01.S                        : d50921ef64708678832770fd842355aa2b0684af : Passed
[INFO]    : suite/rv32i_m/I/I-SUB-01.S                         : d50921ef64708678832770fd842355aa2b0684af : Passed
[INFO]    : suite/rv32i_m/I/I-SW-01.S                          : d50921ef64708678832770fd842355aa2b0684af : Passed
[INFO]    : suite/rv32i_m/I/I-XOR-01.S                         : d50921ef64708678832770fd842355aa2b0684af : Passed
[INFO]    : suite/rv32i_m/I/I-XORI-01.S                        : d50921ef64708678832770fd842355aa2b0684af : Passed