Source code for riscof.utils

# See LICENSE.incore for details

import pathlib
import logging
import argparse
import os
import sys
import subprocess
import operator
import shlex
import ruamel
from ruamel.yaml import YAML
#from riscof.log import logger

yaml = YAML(typ="rt")
yaml.default_flow_style = False
yaml.allow_unicode = True

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def dump_yaml(foo, outfile):
    yaml.dump(foo, outfile)

def load_yaml(foo):
        with open(foo, "r") as file:
            return dict(yaml.load(file))
    except ruamel.yaml.constructor.DuplicateKeyError as msg:
        logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        error = "\n".join(str(msg).split("\n")[2:-7])
        raise SystemExit

[docs]def absolute_path(config_dir, entry_path): """ Create an absolute path based on the config's file directory location and a path value from a configuration entry. """ # Allow entries relative to user home. entry_path = os.path.expanduser(entry_path) if os.path.exists(entry_path): # If the entry is already a valid path, return the absolute value of it. logger.debug("Path entry found: " + str(entry_path)) abs_entry_path = os.path.abspath(entry_path) else: # Assume that the entry is relative to the location of the config file. logger.debug("Path entry '{}' not found. Combine it with config file "\ "location '{}'.".format(entry_path, config_dir)) abs_entry_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(config_dir, entry_path)) logger.debug("Using the path: " +str(abs_entry_path)) return abs_entry_path
[docs]class makeUtil(): """ Utility for ease of use of make commands like `make` and `pmake`. Supports automatic addition and execution of targets. Uses the class :py:class:`shellCommand` to execute commands. """
[docs] def __init__(self,makeCommand='make',makefilePath="./Makefile"): """ Constructor. :param makeCommand: The variant of make to be used with optional arguments. Ex - `pmake -j 8` :type makeCommand: str :param makefilePath: The path to the makefile to be used. :type makefilePath: str """ self.makeCommand=makeCommand self.makefilePath = makefilePath self.targets = []
[docs] def add_target(self,command,tname=""): """ Function to add a target to the makefile. :param command: The command to be executed when the target is run. :type command: str :param tname: The name of the target to be used. If not specified, TARGET<num> is used as the name. :type tname: str """ if tname == "": tname = "TARGET"+str(len(self.targets)) with open(self.makefilePath,"a") as makefile: makefile.write("\n\n.PHONY : " + tname + "\n" + tname + " :\n\t"+command.replace("\n","\n\t")) self.targets.append(tname)
[docs] def execute_target(self,tname,cwd="./",timeout=300): """ Function to execute a particular target only. :param tname: Name of the target to execute. :type tname: str :param cwd: The working directory to be set while executing the make command. :type cwd: str :raise AssertionError: If target name is not present in the list of defined targets. """ assert tname in self.targets, "Target does not exist." return shellCommand(self.makeCommand+" -f "+self.makefilePath+" "+tname).run(cwd=cwd, timeout=timeout)
[docs] def execute_all(self,cwd="./",timeout=300): """ Function to execute all the defined targets. :param cwd: The working directory to be set while executing the make command. :type cwd: str """ return shellCommand(self.makeCommand+" -f "+self.makefilePath+" "+" ".join(self.targets)).run( cwd=cwd,timeout=timeout)
[docs]class Command(): """ Class for command build which is supported by :py:mod:`suprocess` module. Supports automatic conversion of :py:class:`pathlib.Path` instances to valid format for :py:mod:`subprocess` functions. """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, pathstyle='auto', ensure_absolute_paths=False): """Constructor. :param pathstyle: Determine the path style when adding instance of :py:class:`pathlib.Path`. Path style determines the slash type which separates the path components. If pathstyle is `auto`, then on Windows backslashes are used and on Linux forward slashes are used. When backslashes should be prevented on all systems, the pathstyle should be `posix`. No other values are allowed. :param ensure_absolute_paths: If true, then any passed path will be converted to absolute path. :param args: Initial command. :type pathstyle: str :type ensure_absolute_paths: bool """ self.ensure_absolute_paths = ensure_absolute_paths self.pathstyle = pathstyle self.args = [] for arg in args: self.append(arg)
[docs] def append(self, arg): """Add new argument to command. :param arg: Argument to be added. It may be list, tuple, :py:class:`Command` instance or any instance which supports :py:func:`str`. """ to_add = [] if type(arg) is list: to_add = arg elif type(arg) is tuple: to_add = list(arg) elif isinstance(arg, type(self)): to_add = arg.args elif isinstance(arg, str) and not self._is_shell_command(): to_add = shlex.split(arg) else: # any object which will be converted into str. to_add.append(arg) # Convert all arguments to its string representation. # pathlib.Path instances to_add = [ self._path2str(el) if isinstance(el, pathlib.Path) else str(el) for el in to_add ] self.args.extend(to_add)
[docs] def clear(self): """Clear arguments.""" self.args = []
[docs] def run(self, **kwargs): """Execute the current command. Uses :py:class:`subprocess.Popen` to execute the command. :return: The return code of the process . :raise subprocess.CalledProcessError: If `check` is set to true in `kwargs` and the process returns non-zero value. """ kwargs.setdefault('shell', self._is_shell_command()) kwargs.setdefault('timeout', 300) cwd = self._path2str(kwargs.get( 'cwd')) if not kwargs.get('cwd') is None else self._path2str( os.getcwd()) kwargs.update({'cwd': cwd}) process_args = dict(kwargs) timeout = kwargs['timeout'] del process_args['timeout'] in_val = None if 'input' in kwargs: in_val = kwargs['input'] del process_args['input'] logger.debug(cwd) # When running as shell command, subprocess expects # The arguments to be string. logger.debug(str(self)) cmd = str(self) if kwargs['shell'] else self x = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, **process_args) try: out, err = x.communicate(input=in_val,timeout=timeout) out = out.rstrip() err = err.rstrip() except subprocess.TimeoutExpired as cmd: x.kill() out, err = x.communicate() out = out.rstrip() err = err.rstrip() logger.error("Process Killed.") logger.error("Command did not exit within {0} seconds: {1}".format(timeout,cmd)) if x.returncode != 0: if out: logger.error(out.decode("ascii")) if err: logger.error(err.decode("ascii")) else: if out: logger.warning(out.decode("ascii")) if err: logger.warning(err.decode("ascii")) return x.returncode
[docs] def _is_shell_command(self): """ Return true if current command is supposed to be executed as shell script otherwise false. """ return any('|' in arg for arg in self.args)
[docs] def _path2str(self, path): """Convert :py:class:`pathlib.Path` to string. The final form of the string is determined by the configuration of `Command` instance. :param path: Path-like object which will be converted into string. :return: String representation of `path` """ path = pathlib.Path(path) if self.ensure_absolute_paths and not path.is_absolute(): path = path.resolve() if self.pathstyle == 'posix': return path.as_posix() elif self.pathstyle == 'auto': return str(path) else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid pathstyle {self.pathstyle}")
def __add__(self, other): cmd = Command(self, pathstyle=self.pathstyle, ensure_absolute_paths=self.ensure_absolute_paths) cmd += other return cmd def __iadd__(self, other): self.append(other) return self
[docs] def __iter__(self): """ Support iteration so functions from :py:mod:`subprocess` module support `Command` instance. """ return iter(self.args)
[docs] def __repr__(self): return f'<{self.__class__.__name__} args={self.args}>'
[docs] def __str__(self): return ' '.join(self.args)
[docs]class shellCommand(Command): """ Sub Class of the command class which always executes commands as shell commands. """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, pathstyle='auto', ensure_absolute_paths=False): """ :param pathstyle: Determine the path style when adding instance of :py:class:`pathlib.Path`. Path style determines the slash type which separates the path components. If pathstyle is `auto`, then on Windows backslashes are used and on Linux forward slashes are used. When backslashes should be prevented on all systems, the pathstyle should be `posix`. No other values are allowed. :param ensure_absolute_paths: If true, then any passed path will be converted to absolute path. :param args: Initial command. :type pathstyle: str :type ensure_absolute_paths: bool """ return super().__init__(*args, pathstyle=pathstyle, ensure_absolute_paths=ensure_absolute_paths)
[docs] def _is_shell_command(self): return True